Functions and Example Queries of AI agent services
This page provides detailed information on various on-chain functions and example queries available through the AI Agent SDK. Each function is accompanied by a sample query and explanation of the response format, offering developers guidance on how to interact with Cronos Chains using the AI agent services.
{"status":"Success","action":"SendTransaction","message":"Signature url created successfully. Please sign the transaction on this link","data": {"magicLink":"https://{provider}/sign-transaction/{transactionId}?token={token}" }}
{"status":"Success","action":"WrapToken","message":"Signature URL created successfully. Please sign the transaction on this link.","data": {"magicLink":"http://{provider}/wrap-token/{transactionId}?token={token}" }}
Swaps one token into another (e.g., zkCRO to VUSD).
Example Query
query: "Swap 100 zkCRO tokens to VUSD"
Function Name: SwapToken
Function Argument:
{"status":"Success","action":"SwapToken","message":"Signature URL created successfully. Please sign the transaction on this link.","data": {"magicLink":"http://{provider}/swap-token/{transactionId}?token={token}" }}